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How do Students Use Technology?

11 Aug
Students Love Technology

According to one survey only 8% of students use social sites to contact their teachers. Most seem to use e-mail (91%) to seek extra help from teachers. Well, if that is the case (here, too!), then e-mail is certainly still an important e-learning tool.  
Interestingly, 38% said they (students) couldn’t even go 10 minutes without switching on some sort of electronic device. That does not surprise me as I am typing this post! Also, I am surprised to learn based on this infographic that students spend more time texting messages and searching compared to Facebooking. I suppose Google will be happy with that (For now!).

3 out of 4 students say they wouldn’t be able to study without technology. I would like to know how those other 1 out of 4 students are able to study effectively without technology. We could certainly learn some creative techniques from them. Check out the rest (infographic above)!
Well, that is how students in the USA use technology! What about in your country (or institution)? Any input to share? Need to do a survey on this soon… 🙂